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Impact News

The Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought

Impact News, 2023-2024


Yonatan Kurz (YC '23) served as a fellow in the Beren Summer Fellowship at the Tikvah Fund.

Natan Ehrenreich (YC ‘23) served as a Beren Fellow with the Tikvah Fund and as an editorial intern at National Review.

Ruchama Benhamou (SCW' 24) served as the editor of a forthcoming book by Rabbi Alex Maged for Koren Publishers.

In the wake of October 7th, Adina Feldman (SCW ‘26) traveled to Israel to provide direct support to people in need.

Rebecca Guzman (SCW' 26) is the founder and editor-in-chief of literary journal. Her writing has appeared in .

Allie Orgen (SCW '24) participated in the American Enterprise Institute’s Summer Honors Program. In October 2023, she appeared on to discuss ongoing campus antisemitism.

Fayga Tziporah Pinczower (SCW '26) published two letters to the editor in The Wall Street Journal, one piece in the The Wall Street Journal’s Future View, and in Jewish Journal.

Jenny Rapp interned at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health’s Department of Biostatistics in summer 2023.

Josh Shapiro (YC '25) published an article in .

Aharon Soloveichik (YC '25) completed the Hertog Political Fellowship in summer 2023.

Tamara Yeshurun published an article in .

Noam Mayerfeld (YC '25) interned for NASA in summer 2023.

Yaakov Willner (YC '25) participated in the American Enterprise Institute's Summer Honors Program and served as a summer fellow at Hudson Institute Political Studies.

Gavriel Buchwald (YC '26) co-organized an event with YU's Alexander Hamilton Society chapter featuring national security expert Dr. Michael Doran.

Matthew Minsk (YC '26) published an article in .

Sruli Friedman (YC '26) was incoming editor in chief of the YU Commentator.

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